About Us

About Mithila Angel Network

"Mithila Angel Network (MAN) is the first bootstrapped incubator cum-angel investment group dedicated to the Mithila region striving to create & catalyse a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem in Mithila."
We strive to make positive changes in the region by creating a platform for entrepreneurs, investors, ventures and innovators that will propel economic growth and will create local startups, successful founders, employability and wealth.
We are a highly connected group of 500+ professionals, businessmen, academics, govt officers and people with various specializations and experiences ranging from healthcare to fintech; design to distribution.

We seek to support early-stage startups working in the Mithila region thru seed & pre-seed investments, mentoring, global connections, incubation and advisory services and bring the best of startup culture and practices from across the world to Mithila founders.
We are sector agnostic but primarily focus on online startups in EdTech, HealthTech, Local commerce, FinTech; transportation & travel startups; SME manufacturing; Agricultural packaging, production and processing and on-demand service aggregations. ”
MAN is a platform for building a diverse pool of expatriate maithils and others interested in becoming angel investors and helping build, create and catalyse the ecosystem of startup founders, entrepreneurship and wealth creation in Mithila region.

Together the group will evaluate startup ideas, teams, traction, potential impact on Mithila region economy, capability, jobs, social parameters and invest in high risk seed and pre-seed stages and support the investee startups with mentorship, advisory services, business & global connections and help them establish a footing and traction to rise further rounds of professional funding/scale the business.
MAN is actively looking for people with similar interests and some risk taking ability to act like our angel investors and bring them on to board. We facilitate collaborations between founders and investors sharing mutual synergy and vision.
MAN angel investors will have to participate in startup pitch sessions, evaluation rounds, fund-raising rounds and invest from Rs. 25,000 to 5,00,000 lakhs in selected startups via our investment vehicle, MAN.

“If you are an angel investor, angel group or an individual to promote & invest in the growth of Mithila by promoting startups - Please join us and begin the journey with the endless possibility of growth. “
Feel free to drop us a mail on:

Connecting mithila
Local employability
Generating wealth